4 Sure-Fire Ways You Can Utilise Social Media – Web Wizards Custom Websites

4 Sure-Fire Ways You Can Utilise Social Media

11 Oct 2021 | Social Media

  • Social media will continue to grow whether you like it or not. And whether or not you’re aware it has changed the way we do business and share our content. And if you’re not already, it is becoming crucial that social media be taken advantage of so that traffic can be driven to your website where your blog lives. As most of us know, being active on social media can suck up time, therefore it makes little sense to promote a service or product on a platform that you’re not frequenting yourself. If you’re active on Facebook but have an idle account on LinkedIn but don’t use the site, then questions are going to go unanswered, and that is going to frustrate people.

    1. Promote Your Profiles

    Let people know which social media platforms you’re most active on, on your website. By displaying social media follow buttons on your sidebar or header, visitors can navigate to where you are via those services. If you’re a blogger, include a call to action at the end by letting your readers know they can get the latest updates and articles by following you on Facebook. Use widgets like the Facebook like box for ease and simplicity of the transition. Set your blog to social media platforms and let people know you’ve just published a new post.

    You can automatically update your shares by using a plugin called Social Networks Auto-Poster, or you can opt for the Publicise Module of Jetpack.

    2. Your Content Needs Social Media Sharing Buttons

    Visitors share because they enjoy reading posts when they’re entertaining. They can do this manually by copying your URL but what you’ve written will be shared more often when sharing is made easy. Share buttons are a familiar sight at the bottom of an article when the reader has finished. Making it a simple click of a mouse will ensure the job is done quickly and cleanly. However, floating share buttons are popular and allow the reader to share at any point in the article particularly if you’re one who publishes lengthy posts.

    3. Let Visitors Leave Comments using Their Social Media Profiles

    Often, people who have logged in to social media remain there while they browse the web.

    Having an external comment system in place like LiveFyre with an inbuilt function allows your readers to comment from wherever they are. On the other side of the fence, people following you have people following them and services such as Facebook and Twitter enable you to advertise your page to those who have similar interests to yours. On Twitter, if you’re wanting to reach out and follow like-minded people, search for keywords and phrases closely related to your niche.

    Don’t be afraid to air your opinion or disagree with other people. There will be people who will disagree with you and still follow you in return. Interact with all your readers and followers on a regular basis to keep the relationship alive. Ask them questions, share content and reply to those who ask you questions or comment.

    4. Publish Your Articles at the Right Time

    Peak times, depending on where you are in the world and where your target audience is, is the way to expose your announcement of your new post. By setting up your blog to update your social media accounts automatically, you’ll cover ground more effectively. The way to get a grip on the times is by posting your articles at random times which then gives you an idea as to when your articles are being read.

    If your blog is targeting a specific region (Australia and the UK) you post at 3.30 pm in Australia and the UK will have it at 6.30 am. However, posting at 3 pm in Australia to the USA won’t be received at their peak time. It will be 1.30 am there. However, if you’re targeting all over the world, while it’s night time in one country it’s morning or afternoon in another.


    Social media isn’t going anywhere.

    For blogs, social media is the go to and is the largest source of their traffic after search engines so keep in mind that your visitors need a way of receiving blog posts even if you don’t use the platforms yourself. And don’t be frightened to ask them to share your content.

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