Attract Traffic With six Of The Best Social Media Hacks

24 Feb 2023 | Social Media, Uncategorised, Web Design & Development

  • We’re surrounded by it. We use it daily. In fact, social media is inescapable, and so it makes more sense than ever for businesses to take advantage of the many facets it offers.

    A business page on Facebook used strictly for business purposes together with a Twitter feed increases curiosity and interest in your business providing you approach your intent properly. And given there are many platforms out there for that purpose, it makes, even more, sense to have your business truly visible. However, sometimes that last step can present difficulties.

    But with a desire to gain and retain your new followers who will increase interest as they share the word, you’re going to need a back-up plan. We’ve contrived five of the best approaches to do exactly that.

    1. Be Consistent

    Your body needs daily sustenance, and so does your Twitter feed and your social media platforms. But updates are sometimes like shoes for rocking horses, extremely rare and with rare comes a lack of interest.

    If you’re utilising social media, keep it fed. Updating your business regime is keeping your followers updated as news filters through to them. From them, the word is shared, and that is the key to successful advertising on a budget.

    Very little gets in the way of word of mouth, and it’s oh so cheap. Your name, your business and your product are etched into the minds of your followers who will multiply if you remain consistent.

    2. Time Blocks

    Dedicated blocks of social media time allow you to update as often as necessary. You post content, write a blog, make a comment, produce a video, upload an image. All of this is reminding the visitors to your website and the followers on your social media platform that you haven’t died and gone to heaven. That you’re still alive and kicking and so is your product.

    Time blocks, provided they are adhered to assist in completing the task in hand. You’ve written your blog, you’ve edited your video, and you’ve updated and uploaded your images. The job has been done, and there’s no reason to linger any longer on a platform where time is nothing but wasted.

    Time governed by a certain hour that you update is when followers come to rely on your posts. They check to see if there’s anything new you’re going to share with them. When you post at a certain time, you’re creating a dedicated base.

    Consider your audience. You’ll know what they do and their hours of appearance. Like shift workers who come home later than usual, you’re there to update again in the afternoon and as they hit their social media platforms, they’re faced with your update. If you want to appeal to young adults, you might update over the weekends or early in the morning. Using a scheduling tool like Hootsuite is easy and free and can be a boon to get your updates posted for you.

    Consider the random post that will likely be a welcome surprise for your followers.

    3. Visual Content

    Visual content is an attention grabber, and it’s not up for argument. It is one tool that is guaranteed to attract potential followers. In fact, it is a rapid conversion tool, much faster than the written word and its ability to earn more than one view per person is phenomenal.

    Visual content has the potential to increase traffic to your website or landing page and further power to be significantly shared among peers.

    Photographs and or videos are the products that incite action. If you can post images of people using your product, produce a humorous video depicting someone doing something funny with your product, you’re on the right path to increasing the number of views. Visme is one such tool that is free, easy to use and highly effective for exactly this kind of content.

    Now, link to your site or better still, make the image or video into a link that speaks for itself as it opens the gates to your business to the rest of the world. Write your blog and post them to wherever the images are going to.

    4. Hashtags ~ The Masters of Search

    When they were first introduced, Twitter made the best of them and since, they have become the masters of search when you’re looking for specific information. The rapidity was unleashed, and businesses were benefiting.

    However, many made the mistake of having an assortment of random hashtags making it difficult for people to identify them. It is highly advisable that hashtags are used purposefully that one hashtag is used to represent your business.

    Make it short, sweet and memorable. It’s going to reflect who you are and what your business is.
    Check to make sure it isn’t already in use. You can search through Twitter’s search to ensure you’re not stepping in someone else’s space.
    Promote it. Tell everyone, your community, your followers and all your business connections via an email or a blog post.
    Monitor the chatter and join into the conversations when they’re making sense to you.

    And if you’re new to hashtags, read up on Hashtag Etiquette Guide before you venture out.

    5. Now Engage your Followers

    Be active and participate with your audience. You’ll generate traffic and encourage more followers when you share the work of your enthusiasts. When someone speaks about your product in a positive voice, share that post and publicly thank them.

    Create a contest and offer a reward as a prize. You can do this via Visme and really give your posts some thing to sing about.

    That relationship people enjoy having with a business that provides them with excellent products still stands and having private, exclusive groups where you can share news of new products before anyone else gets the mail is a way of making your followers feel appreciated.

    6. Ensuring Space is Safe

    Why should anyone have to worry about being criticised because of an opinion? Whilst you’re sharing your follower’s comments, keep a vigil over your social media and gently remind your followers to keep it nice if something begins to go awry.

    Of course, with social media and the array of opinions, there is bound to be a little unrest from time to time. Your vigilance will be appreciated as people begin to trust you. They’ll realise that you’re genuine when you speak with them on a one on one basis. You have the power to create a safe space and when you ban inflammatory words via your page settings, any comments with unsavoury words will be hidden.

    You’ve got the power to prevent a stream of abuse before it jeopardises your business or the trust that you’ve already built with your followers.

    A note of interest. If you’ve had a gut full of vindictive trolls who insist on furnishing your Facebook feed with derogatory comments, sometimes deleting the comments only can inflame the situation. Hide the comment. As you take this kind of action, the person who posted the comment can still see what he’s written but no other followers can. Using the phrase ban hack can assist the search for comments of a disparaging nature.

    If indeed there is a comment that bears further investigation, it is wise to ‘Take the individual aside’ and talk with them privately so that any complaints or concerns can be dealt with immediately. If you should discover any spam, comments that don’t serve you or your business, you’re better off hiding the comment or just abandoning the conversation entirely.

    Wrapping it Up

    So long as you remain consistent, caring and passionate about your posts, your visuals, and your followers, you’re bound to be successful in whatever you’re doing.

    What goes around comes around in its own time. People are emotional beings who enjoy being assisted. You’ve worked hard to get where you are, and you’ve earned their trust. You’ve gained them, it’s up to you to retain them. They’ll thank you for it in the long run.

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