A Beginner’s Guide For Sharing Your WordPress Posts

24 Feb 2023 | Content Management Systems (CMS), Search Engine Optimisation, Uncategorised

  • Blogging. How To Serve Up Your WordPress Posts To A Hungry Audience When You’re Just Starting Out

    Publishing your post having written a Great article shares the same stakes as inviting readers to come read your work. It’s a road many of us have taken and at one stage or another, all of us were new to this game called blogging. The thing is, it’s not a game. It’s a serious attempt to get your business noticed. It is also a very time-consuming task that not all of us can afford to spend too much time on. Then there’s the effort it takes to plan, broadcast and promote your new blog on social media platforms.

    Fortunately, someone gave this thing a lot of thought and there is a host of tools available to give you your time back and share your work as well.We’ll be covering techniques that will offer methods to help you share your WordPress posts and we’ll reveal some plugins, scheduling tools and most important, social networks’ built-in options.

    Why Do You Need to Share Your WordPress Posts

    Sharing WordPress articles can improve your reach providing you’ve got a solid social media marketing strategy in place. You will also drive traffic to your site and assist your site’s search engine optimisation. Facebook alone is the catalyst for reaching out to people beyond the realm which encloses many of us in a selected area. 76% of people use this platform not only to reach out but also to hunt down interesting content. It is also a fact that over 40% of people purchase a product they’ve seen or learn about on Facebook.

    There Are A Lot More Tools To Include In Your Assemblage

    Sharing occurs in ways that engage readers or through the use of plugins or even the settings that are built into the platform. With a little thought, organisation and wise usage of these techniques your content can broaden its reach beyond even that you imagined. It might seem so obvious, but adding share buttons to your posts is almost a no-brainer. And you can do this by using Monarch a dedicated plugin. Just having them on your site encourages your visitors to share your article easily and effortlessly and people love to share quality content.

    With Monarch, you’re able to utilise the power of social media to its full extent with these very up to date buttons that invite people to follow. And the beauty is you can situate them anywhere you wish to put them on your site. They’re prominent and they’re attractive but they’re also customisable so that you can have them as a draw-card that not only looks great but suits your site. There’s a choice of six button locations, six triggers for pop-up and these are the calls for action with a comment and can be time delayed to suit your preferences.

    We’ve offered Monarch to those who hold an Elegant Themes membership but there are other options for social media sharing plugins for WordPress. One we suggest as a free choice is MashShare which uses no external scripts and therefore load times are more rapid because all code is loaded directly from your website. And another we recommend is codecanyon, easy social share buttons for WordPress.

    Install and activate the Monarch plugin by navigating to Tools > Monarch Settings in your WordPress dashboard then you’ll be presented with a screen with the Locations tab and there you’ll be able to set your buttons where you want them.

    You click on your location and you’ll see a green check mark which will indicate all the locations you’ve chosen and then you just need to click on Save Changes and you’re finished. The next tab is Networks which enables networks you wish your visitors to share with. Click on Add Networks and a pop-up will appear indicating all the available social platforms that are available and this is where you select the ones that are relevant to you.

    There is an array of tabs that give you the opportunity to customise each location button you’ve selected and it’s here you can resize, reshape, alter colours and counts. You get to decide which pages you’d like the buttons to appear on from here.

    Time to Link Your Social Media Accounts

    Everyone who visits your site now finds it easy to share your posts, but what about saving even more time by using Jetpack?

    Imagine how every time you publish a post it appears on several social media networks automatically. This is what jetpack does. All you do is navigate to settings > sharing in your dashboard, click the connect tab next to the social network you want to connect to, log in to the social media site you want to share to and authorise the connection. When you’re ready to publish your post, just click publish and whatever services you chose, you’ll see it show up there. If you want to opt out from a particular network, click the publicise edit link, uncheck the services you don’t want and you’re done.

    Schedule Your Posts

    Sometimes it’s better to schedule your posts whilst aiming at your target audience. Whilst you’re not driving everyone crazy with a bounty of incessant posts, you can maintain the timing and get posts out consistently and at a time that is inclined to suit the reader. You don’t want your posts aiming at the moon and landing among the stars. There are resources you can use to figure out when your optimal times are and when people are most likely to read your post. Using the right tool for this kind of application makes sense and when you’ve got a lot of posts to release at certain times of the day or night, Hootsuite might just be the tool you’re looking for. It’s an auto-scheduling tool that chooses the time to send out your articles according to your preference.

    Another auto-scheduling tool is CoSchedule which acts like a calendar and where you can get your posts out there from a ‘one-stop-shop’. Try Buffer, a free schedule and publish tool also located in the same ‘one-stop-shop’ and also acts as a secretary, getting your posts out for you while you focus on other tasks. Buffer is free for the individual application and gives you only one platform but starts at $10 per month and gives you ten social accounts.

    Wrapping it Up

    Whatever your choice of ‘secretary’ gives you a chance to keep up with social media demands and those of your followers. Whatever you choose to do, you’ve now got time on your side. Choose whichever application is going to fit your needs and you’ll find a whole lot more is done for you rather than you having to do it yourself.

    So your WordPress posts will be professionally handled, will go out on time and will reach those people all over the globe in time zones that won’t even cause you loss of sleep. Everything is on schedule and that’s being punctual because you care about your potential customers.

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