How Responsive Design Makes It Easy

24 Feb 2023 | Responsive Website Design, Uncategorised, Web Design & Development

  • Familiarity breeds contempt, particularly when it appears you’re looking at the same website you looked at a few hours ago, a moment ago, yesterday. But you’re not, it’s different, isn’t it? And figuratively speaking, someone, a few, a shoal of people forgot there are front-end editors available out there when responsive design is the order of the day. So why am I, why are you looking at web pages that appear similar? It’s becoming difficult to differentiate between who’s who at the zoo.

    Many of us have experienced the ‘Reflection’, but now there’s no excuse when Responsive Foundation Framer, a unique solution by CoffeeCup is offering you the opportunity to take independent control over your design. Why are you, the web designer, following the herd when you’ve got the technology to create intuitive and responsive design without coding?

    Responsive Foundation Framer: Responsive Design Made Easy
    So what is this thing called Responsive Foundation Framer? An RFF (Responsive Foundation Framer) is a tool that allows you, the designer to govern the CSS and not have to deal with exacting a line of code. That’s a huge time saver. Next, you have the power to control the dimensions and stipulate your customisation options, and like initiated guidance, the required CSS code is, voila! Generated by itself. Time-saving in quantum leaps. Note also, the colour picker is controlled with the same approach; the inline editor together with the clickable controls will deliver typography and expect some grand discoveries when you introduce Responsive Foundation Framer to Google Fonts.

    Content? What about it?
    Place your content wherever you desire. You’ve either positioned it, floated it or used the Flexbox controls, and now you have the capability to layer multiple backgrounds and compose various designs in a click or three. Don’t neglect the Picture element. Your visitors are going to appreciate the different image sizes that adapt to the device they are using.

    Responsive Foundation Framer is based on Foundation 6 framework, and it offers the advantages of the Motion UI, so you’re able to create animations and transitions with the assistance of data attributes. There are many characteristics as noted below:

    Responsive Design: Responsive Foundation Framer
    Much of the Responsive Foundation Framer occurs when one makes use of the accordions, the navigation menus and tab panels which are all provided. You just need to click to insert. You also have the ability to create your own interactive components with the aid of HTML elements and CSS mixins. The Responsive Foundation Framer conveniently includes symbols for global content updates. Essentially it means you save elements (a header or a footer for instance) and you can update them all from one location.

    With a straightforward interface you can edit the rows and layouts with the usual click and drag motions to change, edit, add or delete breakpoints and while the Foundation framework is equipped with two breakpoints, you can add or delete breakpoints by dragging the slider in the tool. Familiar motions.

    For instance, when the breakpoint value is reduced, Responsive Foundation Framer reacts accordingly. So, with a smaller screen, it will allow you to zoom in and out while fixing breakpoints which means you can create designs to suit larger screens and as usual you get to preview your work on the web browsers installed on your device.
    You also have the option to sync (Publish) to the cloud; your paid subscription will allow it, or like many of the tight misers of the web world, you might choose to Export to your website or server elsewhere. But don’t forget, you can, with Responsive Foundation Framer, create various customisable themes and tweak every theme to suit your requirements.

    Unit Switcher: Control Unit Measurements on the Wing
    Responsive Foundation Framer gives you complete control unit measurements. The layout elements work well with percentages, and they adapt easily to the available width. However whilst working with margins and padding, you may want to use EM so you can space out your elements relative to the size of your text. And if you want to use fixed dimensions for the purpose, the Unit Switcher proves useful with the typography resizing effortlessly based on the device width and not just at a breakpoint.

    Responsive Foundation Framer is $79 for one license with premium quality support and access to documentation and tutorials with a free trial option available. Responsive Foundation Framer runs on OSX and Windows devices.

    Responsive design must conform to those who access the web via mobile devices as well as those who use screens on their desk tops. As a web designer, you have access to “Responsive Design” tools but they ask you to reflect the same processes over again, and you’re expected to code everything from the start. Some make you contend with frontend editing functionalities that release a limited number of breakpoints and options for you to work with. In today’s society of fast tracking, that’s a recipe for disaster.

    As suggested earlier you’re looking for a unique, innovative web design concept and right now with the tools available you didn’t have it until now.

    On offer is Responsive Foundation Framer. It’s the tool for the job and whilst giving you unrestricted control over every feature of your design; the Responsive Foundation Framer is treading the ultimate road to truly responsive design concepts. Frustration borne from frontend failure to recognise the importance of web fonts is truly yesterday’s grief. Responsive Foundation Framer supports Google Fonts and with the option to retain the back-end and export your stylesheets to the code editor of your choice, it makes it a more serviceable option.

    More on our mobile friendly designed website on this webpage!

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