Online marketing can be confusing. There are so many people out there saying one thing or another. Clients come into our office thinking that traffic is the only important thing about online marketing. The truth is that more than one component is necessary for success...
You’ve all seen the listing on the right when you Google search your business name. Did you realise the critical importance of creating and managing a Google Business Account? As business owners you can create a Google My Business listing so they show up in those...
Search Engine Rankings are the industry term for where your website appears in Google, Yahoo and Bing results.Search Engine Optimisation or SEO as we call it in Perth is the systematic process of increasing your search results in a deliberate manner. Everyone wants to...
Today we are writing about some “old-school” methods that may have been used in the past that don’t work anymore or maybe never worked altogether. Today these methods may be regarded as slack or bad practise in the industry. First and foremost! Duplicate content, this...