Online marketing can be confusing. There are so many people out there saying one thing or another. Clients come into our office thinking that traffic is the only important thing about online marketing. The truth is that more than one component is necessary for success...
What Perth Web Design Companies Should Tell You! Web Design and the skills of a Web Designer are different to pure graphic design. The simple reason is that we have to ensure that search engines such as Google, can easily read and index YOUR website. Essentially...
When news entered global ears that as at November 21st of 2016 dot blog domains were for sale, the general public was intrigued. It meant that instead of a my blog domain, you could have my dot blog domain. Okay, that’s cool but what did it mean and how would it...
Approaching a New Year is like turning the pages of a book. As we read the last chapter, we approach the next year as though we’re about to arrive knowing that it will present new and different ways to address our already technically enhanced lives. Are we...
Search Engine Rankings are the industry term for where your website appears in Google, Yahoo and Bing results.Search Engine Optimisation or SEO as we call it in Perth is the systematic process of increasing your search results in a deliberate manner. Everyone wants to...