There are two reasons for for the importance of keywords in seo. Use of a proper keyword will generate you more traffic. Optimise your blog/website keywords correctly and you will zoom through the ranks of google. Most people learn “SEO” on their own accord and when...
Coding a website is always a well thought out process and something that you should have a decent amount of time thinking about, so today we are going to give you some tips and pointers on common coding mistakes that you can easily fix and will only help your website...
Your home page is the first thing a visitors sees before they’re invited to view the content of the website. If potential customers are backing out shortly after they arrive, then it is a fair indication your website is failing you if it isn’t sending out...
When news entered global ears that as at November 21st of 2016 dot blog domains were for sale, the general public was intrigued. It meant that instead of a my blog domain, you could have my dot blog domain. Okay, that’s cool but what did it mean and how would it...
You see it all the time, and it’s a trap for young players. Too much focus on social media posts means budget burnout with a big, fat capital B. Why? Because regardless of the competition which is a healthy barrier between you and your goal, paid...