What are the 12 Best Facebook Marketing Tools? Out of 7.125 billion people in the world today, there are 1.6 billion of them logged in to Facebook and if your marketing isn’t capturing that golden marketing nugget you’re doin’ it all wrong. Assuming...
You see it all the time, and it’s a trap for young players. Too much focus on social media posts means budget burnout with a big, fat capital B. Why? Because regardless of the competition which is a healthy barrier between you and your goal, paid...
Content is king. Both on your website and your blog. Without it there is little a visitor can glean about you and or about your services. Although the content is king, it has to be dynamic. It must keep the visitor returning to your website, and the way to do it is to...
How To Interpret Blog Comments And Get The Most Out Of Them When you’ve poured your heart and soul, your entire essence for that matter, into your blog, you expect likes, shares and comments. It’s an author’s life blood; it’s expected. You...
Web designers may be on the outer edge; like neglected souls on the latest technology who’re too busy creating websites to give social media content and their tools a second glance. And frankly, social media is probably the last thing on their minds when it has...