How To Get Traffic With Your Website Content – Web Wizards Custom Websites

How To Get Traffic With Your Website Content

24 Feb 2023 | Content Management Systems (CMS), Search Engine Optimisation, Uncategorised

  • It’s a mystery, and every marketing guru out there is still trying to decipher why blogging, written content, call it whatever you want, has the mere power to promote changeability. Mystery governs a niche. It alters the way people think about a specific thing. But like a pregnancy, if you don’t commit to consistency, the interest is only at its peak for nine solid months and after that wanes into nothingness. So why is it so controversial and why does it seem that unless you’re an insider, you have no privileges to the secrets of conversion, traffic and more visitors than you ever dreamed of?

    Ah yes, there are plenty of websites out there, all boasting more than 450K visitors and all of those visitors remain loyal no less.

    • So what’s behind the scenes?
    • Why isn’t everyone informed?
    • Isn’t everyone a deserving being?
    • Hell yes! But have you been listening?

    That very same content you’re writing has been trying to tell you ‘Keep Up or Get Lost.’ Not Take a Hike in the literal, sarcastic sense, but if you insist on just keeping going in the same direction and doing the same thing over again, then you’re certain to have your wish and will surely get lost. There’s nothing pleasant about wallowing around in a cesspool of broken blogs or even soggier, poorly written blogs that have never been or will be read.

    The name of the blogging game has been and always will be, particularly in the future, to focus on the creation of engaging, interesting, cannot-put-it-down content for potential and loyal customers. To be able to reach out and retain visitors you need to encourage them to linger longer on your website. So, with all that said, do you know what you’re doing? Have you deciphered the mystery? Probably not and that’s why we’re here. Content marketing is what it is, it’s a necessary evil, but without the secret confessions having been revealed and the mystery unshrouded, how can one conquer complacent blogs?

    There are 3 categories to Content Marketing Strategies

    • Just Blogging
    • Formats
    • Products

    Every blog takes time and effort to give it flavour and interest and an element of unputdownable ness.

    Now you might think writing a blog is easy; and products, well, they’re part of your goods and services as a business. That formatting is just something expected, and once you’re done, you publish then sit back and wait for the traffic. We’ll put that myth to rest. We’re sorry to say; it’s not all it’s thought to be.

    Just Blogging is

    • Easy to read blogs covering the basics of your business. A published article about a new product or trend.
    • Techniques you’ve discovered that ensure ease of use of a particular product you’re promoting.
    • Information about your business overall with a view to attracting visitors and making them aware of your services.

    Formatting is

    • Infographics that are a vital measure to any blog and have the power to say a whole lot more than words ever could.
    • Animations that are not only entertaining but have the wherewithal to lend a boost to a person’s memory. If you’re out of inspiration, you’ll find what you’re looking for here.
    • Used to target your audience. Why not head over to Buffer who created a marketing tool called Pablo which is where you’ll find hundreds upon hundreds of images.
    • Videos that have become a customary trait offering more than words and graphics can in a heartbeat. With clever consideration, (think like a director) you can publish a video on your website that showcases your business in all its glory.

    Products are

    • The blood in the veins of the business. Content marketing needs products, and those products include new stuff, new services and expansion of your reachability. All of this is a link in your business chain.
    • Have a product that lives in the Now rather than one that is more of a passing fad. Use your services to bring awareness to the fact that you’re here to stay and you have the goods to prove it.

    Content is King

    Blogs are published every moment of every single day, and their content is consistent. So you need an audience with a consistent interest. Ideally, topics like finances, health, weightloss and social media are topics that have that changeability element and people want to read about it.

    Avoid becoming stagnant and writing as though your vocabulary vehicle is just spinning its wheels. To avoid that from occurring, see if you can find an audience who is networked with each other. You can find common threads on social media and use those particular niches that are relevant to your business and products, to hurl a bucketful of awareness at them (after you’ve joined the group).

    Try to find other bloggers or podcasters or even some best-selling authors who have built their audiences. On the whole, there are generally about 8-10 influencers around who already dominate the niche space. There’s plenty to learn from them. Keep your blogs interesting to readers who are aged between 30 and 55 and with their interests changing and flowing, if your blog is viable you’ll have an audience you’ll enjoy writing for. That in itself is one of the biggest secrets to keeping a blog alive. Mystery unveiled simply says, if you don’t like your audience, your blog will suffer because you won’t have the incentive to write. You need to like your readers out loud.

    Wrapping it Up

    So the mystery has been uncovered, and you’re now aware that content marketing is so much more than just publishing a bunch of words to fill a stack of white space. Allow your content to reel in your customers by letting them know of the new approaches you’re taking with your business and products. Show don’t tell that you care about your audience but don’t pander to their every whim either. Keep your marketing strategies simple but make them exciting.

    You’ll never get lost if you use a little imagination like breathless, engaging content, video, animation, and infographics. More than anything, enjoy what you do and do what you enjoy the most. When your flavoursome blog has all the ingredients that your audience is searching for, watch out for the traffic jams.

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