Website Design for Optimum Visitor Conversion – Web Wizards Custom Websites

Website Design for Optimum Visitor Conversion

11 Oct 2021 | Responsive Website Design, Uncategorised

  • What is the most important goal of a website?

    The most important goal of a website is to convert your visitors to prospects. A prospect is someone who you would say has a reasonable chance of buying goods and services from you.

    In order to achieve this goal however,  you need to ensure you have all your marketing in alignment.
    This will include:

    • Who is your target audience and am I appealing to them?
    • What keyphrases are they looking for in the search engines?
    • Do your pages match what they are looking for in the search engines?
    • Does your website make it easy to find what they are looking for?
    • Is your website responsive?
    • Does it change and display to a readable size with appealing design whether they are on a desktop computer, laptop, iPhone, Tablet, iPad, Android, smart phone, phablet, etc.
    • Does your design make them feel confident about your company?
    • Does your website look like a cheap square, templated website or have they put some effort into appealing to the market?
    • Are the inside pages designed for the client who only wants that product or service or is it just plain text?

    Once you have all these components in place, you can test how many people are coming to your website and how many are leaving through software called Google analytics.

    Lets compare 2 websites.

    Website 1 has 1000 visitors per month but they have not concentrated on many of the factors listed above.
    Due to a poor conversion of visitors to prospects (people who call or email you from your website) you have a 0.5% conversion and only 5 prospects contact you from 1000 visitors.

    Website 2 has only 500 visitors per month but they have spent a lot of time ensuring they have followed the questions above and have designed their site correctly.
    Due to them paying attention to their market and designing accordingly 10% of all visitors contact them. They receive 50 contacts per month and are on their way to creating a profitable business.
    This is despite website 1 having twice as many visitors as they do.

    The economics of this make sense when you think about it. Putting the time and effort into your website pays off and ensures that you don’t waste a visitor due to poor design, poor display on all devices and poor alignment of the visitor needs.
    Google also announced that from April 21, 2015 it will preference websites on mobile devices that display correctly for their visitors. In other words penalising those that don’t display correctly.

    To get the best website design in Perth you need to put the time and effort into designing it from the customers point of view. This is only achieved by using a custom web designer who puts the time and effort into helping your customers to buy from you. More about our services!

    Click this link to find more on the most common website design errors.







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