brandons moving boxes

Any challenges can be overcome with the right people.

What an inspiring journey we went on with Brandon and his incredible parents Rob and Simone. Brandon is a young man with non-verbal Autism and loads of energy and creativity. His family have helped create a business and future around his abilities, not his disabilities. Brandon’s Moving Boxes is a service to provide reusable, durable boxes and crates with the convenience of delivery and pick up for people moving office or house.

We loved working with these beautiful people, they are warm, fun and absolutely dedicated to making sure that Brandon has a business that he has the capabilities for that gives him opportunity for socialisation and growth.



Rob & Simone are very busy people but their dedication to their son Brandon’s independence has led them to create a business to encourage Brandon’s skills, interests and abilities and that they could run in conjunction with him. They needed a website that was easy to manage with a simple booking system to streamline the processes and save time.

This was the second website we had built for Brandon, the previous being for his Shredding Boxes business (he loves boxes!) so we all had a shorthand for the style and function required – simple, clear, bright and highlighting the work that Brandon does and the young man himself.

There was complexity to resolve as boxes can be hired in 3 package levels, to only certain postcodes, on certain days and additional items added if required. There was also the restriction of only a restricted pool of boxes available.



The development team applied some additional coding and WordPress plugins to fulfill these requirements allowing for a booking and payment system that was managed without too much intervention and time by Brandon’s team – they could take an order via email and know that the parameters and restrictions had been met.

Before all this was done a design to clearly show the products and processes was created and approved by Rob & Simone incorporating a profile of Brandon to show who using this service supports as well as clarity about the Box Packages using infographics and comparison packages.



There was a clear vision from the client for the website of their soon to be opened denatl surgery. They had done a lot of research and comparisons of not only websites but web development companies as well. They knew they had a massive amount of information they wanted to encapsulate within the website to inform their potential patients but they knew the calue of content rich websites to assist in their Google rankings.

The solution for this was to design and add hidden content sections within the pages utilising tools such as accordion boxes as used for FAQ sections on the service pages and service tabs on the home page with each tab once cliked revealing another service image and description.